My Polaroid

Have you ever used a Polaroid camera? This page is an instant “photograph” of the things I’m doing almost right now!

This is a now page, and if you have your own site, you should make one, too.

Last update: 2021-03-17

Recently, I updated my website. I hope your eyes are not bleeding right now. 

Taking more time to ponder about what I consume online and offline.

📚 Reading and digging deep into the Incerto collection of Nassim Nicholas Taleb. 

🎉 I got into Rosieland – a modern community building course. 

🤓  My friends at @vainascooltas sent me their brand new guide to go from Ideas to Launch. (Spanish link ahead. Don’t panic!)

💻 I’m building a simple copycat WordPress plugin like Hello Dolly about the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the galaxy novel inspired by Lesley’s tweet.